Abortion Abolition


“The Justice Project”

The Justice Project is the our anti-abortion apologetics seminar training and outreach ministry of Love of Truth MinistriesLove of Truth Ministries is an abortion abolition organization and our training and outreaches are done within the framework of the abortion abolition movement that is spreading across our land!

What is Abortion Abolition?

To learn more about the abolition of abortion movement, please visit these very important websites:







Abortion Abolition Training & Activism

Our abortion abolition activism is involved in three main areas: Seminar Training, Outreach, and Everyday Abolition!

Seminar Training 

Justice Project Anti-Abortion Apologetics and Abolition Activism Training

This is our premier 5-hour informative and practical abortion abolition seminar training. Participants will receive a “crash course” in general anti-abortion apologetics as well as extensive dialogue skills. Using “hands on” techniques and activities (including realistic role-play), participants will have the opportunity to be an ambassador for Christ through practiced dialogue on the topic of abortion. All elements of the local outreach are employed. In addition, participants will learn about the abortion abolition movement and be encouraged to put their knowledge into practice through continued local involvement by engaging the our culture of death, culturally and politically.

Annual Abolishing Abortion in Texas Conference and Mission

Every year we conduct and lead our “ABOLISHING ABORTION IN TEXAS CONFERENCES & MISSION.” These events are usually 2-4 days in duration and include several premier experts and influential abolitionist leaders from across Texas and the nation. Our goal is educate and equip Christians on abortion abolition. Ultimately we desire to both recruit new abolitionists and encourage current abolitionists.

Justice Project Abortion Facility Sidewalk Ministry Training

This is our 3 hour informative and practical training specifically geared towards abortion abolition ministry at the local abortion mills. Participants will learn the “ins and outs” about sidewalk ministry and how to implore tools such as graphic signs, literature, sidewalk counseling, preaching/praying, and the like.


Campus Outreach: During group outreaches, our ministry leaders come along side recently-trained volunteers using large abortion-victim photos along with brochures, poll-tables, public surveys, and a free speech board. The purpose is to engage and educate students, professors, and visitors on a local university or college campus about the topic of abortion abolition.

Abortion Facility Sidewalk Outreach: Here, our ministry leaders will lead recently-trained volunteers on how to minister at the local abortion facilities. Volunteers will have “on the job” training as they will have opportunities to pray, preach, hold signs, sidewalk counsel, and pass out literature.

Public Outreach: Ministry leaders will help guide volunteers in abortion abolition outreach at a variety of public places (street ministry, events, the capitol, and other places of influence).

Everyday Abolition

We will always encourage you to continue the work of abolition through everyday conversations and other abortion abolition outreach ministries (e.g., family, friends, neighbors, church groups, workplace, etc.).

  •  To have Dr. Daryl and Love of Truth Ministries give a seminar or presentation for your organization, please visit the contact page.