Is Christianity True?

Is Christianity True?

The Cosmological Argument proves the existence of God: This argument states that everything that had a beginning had a cause (beginner). There is sufficient scientific and philosophical evidence to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the universe had a beginning. Therefore, the universe had a cause (i.e., God). By way of example, Science shows us that the Second law of Thermodynamics reveals that the universe is running out of usable energy, with everything moving from order to disorder. Hence, since the universe is dying out (like a clock winding down), it must have had something wind it up. This must be God. Another way to look at it is this, the universe demonstrates that it is basically one big effect. This means, it must have had a cause. This cause must be the first cause, which was an uncaused cause, depending on nothing. This again, must be the supernatural God of the universe.

The Teleological Argument proves the existence of God: This states that every design had a designer. It is obvious, that the universe and life have highly complex design. Therefore, the universe and life have a highly complex design. By example, if you were to find a computer on the ground, would you assume it was made by natural law, that is, by chance? Of course not, because it has highly complex design. The same is true wit the universe (with its solar system), or life (with the human eye). These things clearly have a design, and require a designer (i.e., God).

The Moral Argument proves the existence of God: This argument states that every law has a lawgiver. Once again, reason and logic tell us that there are absolute moral laws in the world. Hence, there must be an absolute moral lawgiver (i.e., God). Absolute moral laws are undeniable. Though people deny it, everyone knows right and wrong not necessarily by our actions, but by our reactions. For example, if you were to go to the bank and ask for a withdrawal of twenty dollars (which you have in your account), and the teller were to deny you this money for no reason, you would know (whether you believe in Bible or not) that it is undeniably and absolutely wrong—not just for you, but for everyone!

If the evidence points to the Theistic God, then everything that is contradictory to Him is false: Pantheism, atheism, polytheism, etc. cannot be true. Hence, every contradicting religion and worldview (other than perhaps Judaism and Islam) are ruled out.

If the Theistic God exists, then miracles are possible: If the Theistic God did the greatest miracle of all, namely creation, then any miracle of God is possible.