Seminars and Workshops

General Apologetics
Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True

This 12-step model is based on the classical approach to apologetics, which has been the dominant view throughout church history. Refined and made popular by premier apologist Norman L. Geisler, this comprehensive presentation for the truth of Christianity starts from the ground up. It begins from the proposition that truth exists to the conclusion that the Bible is the Word of God and true. In this seminar, we will find out how to respond to questions such as: Is truth knowable? Is truth absolute or relative? Does God exist? Are miracles possible? How do we know the Bible is true? Is Jesus Christ the Son of God? Don’t all religions lead to God?

Abortion Abolition and Anti-Abortion Apologetics

In this seminar, participants will learn what abortion abolition is, as well as receive a “crash course” in general anti-abortion apologetics and abortion abolition activism. Using “hands on” techniques and activities (including realistic role-play), participants will have the opportunity to truly practice dialoging on the topic of abortion. All elements of our abortion abolition outreaches will be employed and practiced.

Cults & New Religions

• Mormonism

• Jehovah’s Witness

• Christian Science

• Scientology

• Oneness Pentecostalism

• Unitarian Universalists

• Satanism

• Wicca/Neo Paganism

• Masonic Lodge

• New Age Movement

• Paranormal/Spiritism/Divination


• Abortion

• Homosexuality

• Euthanasia


• World Religions

• When Worldviews Collide

• Worldview Living

• Worldview Parenting

• Worldview Education


• Practical Evangelism

• Evangelistic Field Trips

The Bible